Thursday, May 23, 2013

A little Bit of this , A little Byte of that . . .

Things have been really busy since around mid April. Much too busy for me to provide any regular updates.
In my last posting, I mentioned that I was taking care of Rambo, a dog owned by an acquaintance who is currently at the Stanford Medical University Center for his second heart surgery. The surgery was scheduled for yesterday. I do hope that things went well for him, although after the surgery - - - I would expect them to have placed him in the ICU ward, so I expect no updates for a few days. I did send him a text message to let him know that I hope things went well, and to contact me at his convenience.

I have been experiencing difficulty with my Right ear and Eustachian tube for the last few days. It is a chronic problem that dates back to 1991. Coupled with my tinnitus, it makes for some really interesting times upon occasion. Today it got so bad that I experienced vertigo, nausea, and became quite vomitus. Thank goodness for my big Ironwood USS England hiking staff! Had I not had that to assist me with my balance, I would not have even been able to leave the house.

As it was, today was a day that I needed to do some grocery shopping at Sam's Club. Fortunately for me, my friend Masa provided invaluable assistance. He drove me to  Sam's, pushed a cart for me while I gimped around the store picking out necessary food items, helped me at the checkout counter, loaded the car, then drove me home. I really hated to have to add to his already long days, but I am very grateful for his assistance.

I was supposed to have an appointment with the Veterans Administration for 21 May. That appointment was canceled by the Veterans Administration, and rescheduled for 3 June. This past Monday, I received both the confirmation card from the VA for the appointment on 3 June - - - as well as the letter from the VA canceling that same appointment. I called them that afternoon. Now the appointment that I was supposed to have on 3 June has been rescheduled for 10 June. This actually is becoming more and more common behavior from the Veterans Administration. If they are going to continue to keep canceling appointments, then what is the sense of even making them? Cancelled appointments are of zero benefit to the veterans who need them. Appointment tag is not a valid form of therapy.

It is quite understandable given the performance of the Veterans Administration, why so many veterans seek other methods of recovery and/or pain relief up to and including suicide. The latest study that I saw showed that the suicide rate among veterans was nearly triple what it is among non-veterans.

Between my bouts of depression, my nightmares, my sleep loss, and other things that prove intrusive - - - I have managed to get approximately 96% of my package to the President of the United States, and one dozen other specifically targeted officials completed. I had hoped to already have the text of that letter into the hands of my proofreaders by now. Unfortunately, there will be another slight delay. Let me just say up front so there can be no mistake that I really appreciate the assistance of those who have agreed to proofread these letters, and have seen 90% of the documents that will be accompanying these letters when they go to Washington. While it is not my desire to take the United States Navy and/or the Veterans Administration to task in the public media - - - this will basically be my final action in trying to get an ongoing nightmare that my government caused through sheer incompetence resolved.

 Should this action fail to achieve the desired results, I make zero promises as to what I will or will not do next. Will address that when the moment is upon me. What this country has become through lack of intelligent, responsible, accountable adult leadership sickens me.

Enough for now. I hope that this finds everyone I know in good health and high spirits!

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