Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Meet R - A - M - B - O

This little cute fella is named Rambo. He is a teacup Cha-HooYah-HooYah that belongs to an acquaintance of mine who is currently in the Stanford University medical Center awaiting his second heart surgery.

I hope that the surgery and recovery goes well for him, but in the event that the worst happens - - - I will consider it my sacred duty to ensure that little Rambo has the best life possible for his remaining years.

I tried earlier today to make a video of him, but just like my previous house guest - - - Tober's - - - this little guy seems somewhat video camera shy! So, wanting my acquaintance to see this prior to his surgery - - - I finally gave up on the video, and just decided to post this picture.

Rambo and Gordita - - - Close Quarter Maneuvering


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